Friday, January 24, 2014

Cast Iron Dutch Oven -- Zhen dish


[1] half chicken, (or pork ribs)
[2] 4 mid size onions, cut into 1/2 golf ball size chunk
[3] 2 big carrots, cut into same size as potato
[4] 4 mid size green potatoes, cut into 3/4 golf ball size chunk
[5] celery and/or string bean, cut into 2 inches in length
[6] white wine ... 2/3 glass
[7] pepper
[8] thyme( or rosemary ) ... not too much if rosemary
[9] vegeta salt (shoprite in flemington has it)

[10] paprika powder
[11] chicken soup/broth ... 1 or 2 cans
[12] oil


[a] brown [1]+[12]
[b] brown [2]+[3]+[4]+[5]+[12]
[c] +[6]+[7]+[8]+[9]+[10]+[11] to taste
[d] preheat oven
[3] bake 1.1/2 hours at 350 degrees


[1] cook the whole thing in the cast iron dutch oven.  keep the warmth.
[2] cast iron dutch oven, heavy cookware

To serve:

put on top of rice ... BON APPÉTIT !

(courtesy of Zhen Wang)

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