Monday, June 20, 2022

ManToe (馒头)

Ingredients ...

[1] flour 500g, in the mixer bowl. this can make 8 mantoes.
2] yeast 5g // 1/4 tsp is equal to 1g
[3] sugar 20g
[4] 250g warm water (~39c // or 102.2f ), if use glass measuring cup, microwave ~20 seconds.
[5] oliver oil 1 tablespoon
[6] sugar 45g

Directions ...

[a] +[2]+[3]+[4], mix well, put aside for 5 minutes ==> [A]
[b] pour [A] into [1]+[6] gradually, while running the mixer in low speed for 12 minutes
[c] when the flour starts to form nuggets, +[5], once the dough starts to take shape, can use higher mixer speed ==> [B]
[d] cover [B] with a lid. put inside oven, with the oven light on, let it rise for 2 hours. the dough should become twice the size. // see Note[2] below. if the temperature starts to reach 40c (usually after an hour), turn off the oven light.
[e] mix [B] again for 5 minutes. can use higher speed
[f] cut and make into shape (~100g each), put in the steamer on the parchment paper, you can have 4 mantoes on each rack, let it rise again for 20 minutes
[g] put adequate amount of water in the steamer, bring to boil.
[h] put the rack of the mantoe back into the steamer, steam for 14-15 minutes
[i] shut off heat, wait 5 minutes before opening the lid. they will collapse if open right away.
[j] take mantoe out, be careful not to let the waterdrops fall on the mantoe, put mantoe on the cookie rack to cool

Notes ...

[1]. when checking the termperature of the water in [4] above, stir it first, so it is even in the cup.
[2]. this is the tricky part, if in the summer, the air might be warm enough, then oven light is optional.
[3]. in step [d], it rises faster in the summer, takes longer in the winter.
[4]. in step [f], use the parchment paper designed for the steamer (holes on the paper, so the steam can go thru)
[5]. if you need to steam them 4 at a time, the second batch might "rise" too long and bigger bubbles might form in the mantoe.

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