Sunday, November 14, 2021



Ingredients ...

[1] 1 small kabocha pumpkin, cut into 1 inch cubes without skin.  the heavier the pumpkin the better.

[2] ginger ... two golf ball size, minced
[3] garlic ... 1 pod, minced
[4] sugar ... to taste
[5] water
[6] salt ... to taste
[7] oil ... 8 table spoons, may add more during cooking.

Directions ...

[a] heat [7], medium heat
[b] +[2] + [3] ... stir till fragrant
[c] +[1] ... mix well until the edge of the pumpkin cubes become soft
[d] +[6] ... mix well
[e] +[5] ... bring to boil, lower the heat, simmer till the pumpkin becomes soft and the juice becomes thick
[f]  +[4] ... mix well

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