Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lamb Soup

Ingredients ...

[1] lamb legs, 2, about 1 pound each, ask the butcher to cut into 2 pieces each.
[2] cooking oil, 1 table spoon
[3] ginger 10 large pieces
[4] cooking wine, 1/4 cup
[5] dried black fungus -- jew's ear(黑木耳): 3/4 cup, soaked in water

[6] dried mushroom(冬菇): big 5 pieces: soak in water, cut into 4 slices each.
[7] garlic 8 cloves
[8] star anise(八角) 2 pieces, for flavor, do NOT eat

[9] dried red dates(紅棗) 20 pieces

[10] bean curd stick(腐竹): 10 sticks, soaked in water, cut into 2 inches pieces when soft.

[11] coriander(香菜): 5 pieces, cut into half inch long pieces.
[12] N/A ... space holder
[13] liquorice (甘草): 10 pieces, for flavor, do NOT eat

[14] dried orange skin:2 pieces, do NOT eat.  but they might become too soft, dissolve and become part of the soup ...

[15] gougi(枸杞): 2 table spoons

[16] Fermented bean curd(豆腐乳): 2 pieces

[17] water, 10 cups
[18] 5 pieces, 北芪. for flavor only, optional, do NOT eat. 

Directions ...

[a]. +[2]+[3] ... in pot, medium heat for 30 seconds.
[b]. +[1], till the meat surface changes color.
[c]. +[17]+[8]+[13]+[14]+[15]+[4]+[18], bring to boil, then lower heat to simmer, for 40 minutes
[d]. +[6]+[9]+[10]+[15]+[16], bring to boil, then simmer in low heat for 50 minutes.
[e]. +[7]+[5], bring to boil, then simmer for another 10 minutes.
[f]. before serving, +[11]

Notes ...

-- tastes better if the meat is not too lean.
-- can add more water if it becomes too dry while cooking, make sure it has enough water.

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