Saturday, November 18, 2023

Dutch oven Bread

Ingredients ---

1. all purposes flour 400g
2. water 320g, 40c // microwave ~30 seconds in the glass measuring cup
3. yeast 4g
4. salt 7g
5. sugar 30-60g, optional

Directions ---

[a] [1]+[2]+[3]+[4]+[5] -> mix well
[b] let it rise in the oven, with the oven light on, for 2-4 hours, could be more
[c] wet the fingers, stretch and fold the dough 4 times, can repeat steps [b]+[c] a few times
[d] let it rise for another hour, final proving ==> [A]
[e] about ~30 minutes before baking, put dutch oven with the lid into the oven, heat to 450. let it stay for another 10 minutes, so the dutch oven is heated evenly.
[f] put some flour on the board, put [A] on the flour, make it into shape, put the dough on the parchment paper, then put the whole thing into a bowl
[g] when the dutch oven is ready, move the dough/parchment paper into the dutch oven
[h] put the dutch oven, with the lid on, inside oven and bake for ~30 minutes
[i] take off the lid, bake for another ~10 minutes, to make the crust
[j] take the bread out, let it cool, might take about 30 minutes

Notes ---

1. can add nuts bits, craisins, milk powder, cheese, jalapeno pepper

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