Friday, June 05, 2020


For 4 people.

Ingredients ...

[1] rib, 3 lbs
[2] ginger chunk
[3] medium size onion, big chunk
[4] scallion,4, cut into thirds or quarters
[5] scallion, 1, chopped
[6] red chili paste, 2 table spoons
[7] fermented soybean paste (Doenjang), 2.1/2 table spoons
[8] garlic 6, chopped
[9] fish sauce or soy sauce, 3 tea spoons
[10] red pepper flakes, 3 table spoons
[11] black pepper to flavor
[12] wild-grown sesame, crushed, 1 table spoon
[13] little potato, whole
[14] Napa cabbage, 1/2
[15] Garlic, whole, 9
[16] rice wine
[17] dry red pepper, 1
[18] dry shiitake mushroom, 2, sliced
[19] whole black pepper, 1/2 tsp
[20] soybean sprouts, 8 ozs
[21] perilla leaves, or basil, cut in half
[22] bay leaves, 1 or 2

Directions ...

[a] blanch [14] for 2-3 minutes, rinse in cold water. tear the leaves length-wise by hands. ==> [A] water ==>[B]
[b] bring water to boil +[1] for 5 minutes, take out, clean the meat ==>[C]
[c] [C]+[B]+[2]+[3]+[4]+[6]+[7]+[8]+[9]+[10]+[11]+12]+[16]+[17]+[18]+[19]+[15]+[22] bring to boil, simmers for 1 to 1.1/2 hours for the meat to be cooked thoroughly
[d] +[20]+[A]+[21]+[13] cook for 20 minutes or till the potato is done
[e] +[5] before served

Notes ...

-- can put [3]+[4]+[15]+[2]+[19]+[22] into a spice bag, take out after [c] completes.
-- can marinate the [A] with [12]+[10]+[9]+[5]+[7] for 10 minutes, before putting all back in [d]
-- can try with "tofu stick"

*Courtesy of Ashley Liu

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